
NAIGF General Assembly

NAIGF General Assembly

8 November 2023 at 13:30 UTC (14:30 local time)

El Mechtel Hotel, Tunis, Tunisia

The North African Internet Governance Forum (NAIGF) General Assembly has been held on Wednesday 8 November 2023 in Tunis-Tunisia.


The NAIGF MAG Chair welcomed the present participants and the ones participating remotely and delivered trophies for the 2 former MAG Chairs Ridha Guellouz & Aziz Hilali and another one to the Vice Chair of the sitting MAG Mohamed Farahat recognizing their efforts to make the NAIGF and the NASIG that successful.


Then, he presented the activity report of the NAIGF from November 2021 till November 2023 (the entire period of the sitting MAG term) and the NAIGF Secretary presented the financial report for the same period.


After the discussion and approval of both reports by the general assembly, a signature ceremony of an MoU between the NAIGF represented by its MAG Chair Tijani BEN JEMAA and the association “Internet Masr” represented by its Member Shahir Boshra has been organized.


At the end of the assembly, the chair of the Nominating committee (NomCom) read the report of the NomCom announcing the ranked list of the candidates to the MAG membership, and the Assembly selected the top 11 taking into account the maximum number of MAG members per country (3).