The North Africa Internet Governance Forum (NAIGF) came as responding to Paragraphs 72 and 80 of the WISIS Tunis Agenda as regional multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on prevailing and emerging issues on Internet governance in order to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability, and development of the Internet.
Main Goals
The main purpose of the North African Internet Governance Forum (NAIGF) is the creation of a public platform for an inclusive multi-stakeholder discussion of public policies and technologies related to the Internet and its governance in North African Countries.
The Forum addresses issues related to –inter alias- access to the Internet, cybersecurity, Internet freedom and regulation, development of the DNS industry as well as global and national approaches for Internet governance.
The whole process is conducted by the NAIGF MAG. For every annual forum, the MAG makes a call for an overarching theme and proposals for sub-themes. It collects the proposals and picks the most popular overarching theme and sub-themes.
Then, it constitutes an organizing committee with sub-committees to design, prepare and hold the annual forum.
The whole process is bottom-up: the themes are selected by the community and the organization details are decided by the organizing sub-committees and endorsed by the MAG.
Diversity is one of our main value (MAG members, NomCom members, Organizing committees, SIG learners, IGF participants): Every effort is done to reach Stakeholder, gender, geographic, … diversity (and balance when possible).
Relationship with UN IGF
The North African IGF is recognized by the United Nations Secretariat for the Internet Governance Forum as a sub-regional IGF, part of the National & Regional Initiatives (NRIs) that adheres to the core IGF principles and procedures, as outlined in the NRIs Toolkit. It regularly participates in the monthly meetings of all NRIs, coordinated by the IGF Secretariat, contributes to the NRIs network development and integration of NRIs in the IGF’s global processes.
The NAIGF Secretariat role is untrusted to the Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) that provides staff and logistic means.